Sharing Beauty
Selected works by international artists
(in alphabetical order)
inserts taken from the blog IL RAMO D'ORO
as exhibition as review of Arts,
artists, thoughts, actions, examples
to share beauty.
Examples about how to nurture the Beauty
SHARING BEAUTY coming soon...
All images are copyright to their respective owners
Video: click on link to watch full video
Photos: click on image to enlarge
Practice random kindness and senseless acts of beauty
Praticate gentilezza a casaccio e atti di bellezza privi di senso
I paint peoples and animals in the same style but very much different in topic.
However they both are donning the same activities such as playing. Eating,
doing exercise and basically enjoying themselves and fulfilling their days and nights.
As much we differ we are the same.
- acid free markers -
© Adib Fattal
Movie frames - tribute to Eadweard Muybridge
Table Napkin
- interventions in streets and architecture -
© Alessandra Svatek in collaboration with Artur Magrot
(Czech Republic)
Campo in primavera
- handmade jewelry -
© Alchimia Creazioni Resinali/Rosalia Giallonardo
Ogni Natale Alice Cooper serve la cena gratis ai bambini al suo ristorante
Every Christmas, Alice Cooper serves hundreds of in-need children free meals at his restaurant
Faust's Box
Video - Info
- music, theatre -
© Andrea Liberovici
Null'altro che un lungo ritorno
Music - Video - Info
- music, photography, digital collage -
© Angelo Secondini
- Monoprint on paper -
© Anis Tabaraee
Anja Rozen
13 year old primary student (Slovenia)
Winner of the international competition "Plakat Miru"
My drawing represents the land that binds us and unites us
Humans are woven together. If someone gives up, others fall.
We are all connected to our planet and to each other, but unfortunately we are little aware of it.
We are woven together. Other people weave alongside me my own story; and I weave theirs
Anonymouse: negozi su misura per topolini - Tiny shops for mices
Info: Italiano/English - Images & Video
Lights to meet
Riequilibrio danzante
Luci che si incontrano, che si fondono in un’atmosfera di bellezza con sfondo naturale di boschi luminosi,
che fanno si che gli incontri siano costellati da una forte bellezza naturale, una coesione tra arte e natura
che porta inevitabilmente alla pace interiore ed in coesione con la natura stessa assieme alle persone
che il cammino ci porta ad incontrare, per concludere con un’atmosfera dorata che corona il tutto.
Anime, luminose, belle, lucenti che risplendono di luce propria, una danza estatica, una scintilla,
che naturalmente ed in mezzo alla natura porta ad incontrarsi.
Dancing rebalancing
Lights that meet, that blend in an atmosphere of beauty with a natural background of bright woods,
which ensure that the meetings are dotted with a strong natural beauty, a cohesion between art and nature
that inevitably leads to inner peace and in cohesion with nature itself together with the people
that the path leads us to meet, to conclude with a golden atmosphere that crowns everything.
Souls, bright, beautiful, shining that shine with their own light, an ecstatic dance, a spark,
which naturally and in the midst of nature leads to meeting.
- acrylic on canvas-
© Barbara Perga
Pulled this out the bag
Real african queen
- visual art -
© Barney Ogolla
Wish Garden
The real woman's power has nothing to do with social success or achievements.
This is a state of inner balance, steadiness, a feeling of flow of life
Dreams ComeTrue
We must allow ourselves to dream about what life could really be like and then have the courage to take a leap of faith
No Man's Land
Is both an allegory reflecting on the decay and breakdown of man,
and a symbol of the Universal womb allowing us to be reborn,
as complex and complete beings
- No Man's Land: acrylics on canvas
Dreams Come True: acrylic pouring, paint on canvas
Wish Garden: tempera pouring, 'balloon kiss' on canvas -
© Beatrice Caitanu
In these dark days of wars and separation
art and beauty are good means to resist
- digital -
© Bernhard Zilling
© Bernhard Zilling
Woman with chain of office of a mayor of Maassluis
Enslaved woman has worked her way up to mayor of the city of Maassluis, Netherlands.
- oil paint on canvas-
© Bikkel Artist
(The Netherlands)
Mil grullas un deseo (A thousand cranes, one wish)
- aquaforte, aquatint, hand colored -
© Blanca Saccomano
Walzing Mathilda
- oil on linen canvas -
© Charles Marko
My World and Trees
Long time for me to have a work done, like a quiet rhythm comprises a light expression,
you could easy blow off the images on the paper or canvas;
at that time I simply feel that I am vanished from this realistic world
where gives me a fantastic experience, and I really enjoy that feeling.
- acrylic on canvas -
© Chen Yongqun
Il Salto
Il mio cuore è viola
Il mio pensiero è bianco
I miei sogni sono vetri smerigliati
che l'Immaginazione colora,
rubandoli ai giochi dell'infanzia
My heart is purple
My thoughts are blank
My dreams are frosted glass
that the Imagination colours,
stealing them from childhood games
- oil on canvas, poetry -
© Cinzia Racaniello
Istinto di sopravvivenza
Nara è una città in cui esseri umani e cervi coesistono, condividendo strade e parchi.
Mentre vagavo, mi sono imbattuta in questa scena tenera: una madre cervo e il suo cerbiatto sul bordo di uno stagno.
La madre si avvicinava, accudendo il suo piccolo con un misto di affetto e istinto,
mentre il cerbiatto rispondeva con uno sguardo fiducioso.
In quell’istante, sembrava che il mondo si fosse fermato, il loro legame un perfetto gesto di gentilezza e connessione.
Mentre inquadravo questo scatto, ho riflettuto su come spesso proiettiamo emozioni umane sugli animali.
Vediamo amore, cura e tenerezza, perché sono i valori che ci stanno a cuore.
Ma per questi cervi, questo atto non era sentimentale.
Era sopravvivenza: uno scambio necessario di conforto e protezione.
Eppure, quel momento mi ha ricordato qualcosa di profondo.
Nei loro gesti semplici, c'è una bellezza che trascende la sopravvivenza.
Forse è un richiamo per noi—praticare atti casuali di gentilezza, vedere la bellezza
e abbracciare il mondo che ci circonda
con la stessa grazia che queste creature mostrano l'una all'altra.
I cervi di Nara ci insegnano molte lezioni, ma soprattutto ci ricordano che l'armonia non riguarda solo la coesistenza.
Si tratta di comprensione, di trovare la bellezza nell'ordinario e di offrire gentilezza anche quando non è prevista.
Nara is a city where humans and deer coexist, sharing streets and parks.
While I was wandering, I stumbled upon this tender scene—a mother deer and her fawn by the edge of a pond.
The mother leaned in, grooming her baby with a mixture of affection and instinct,
while the fawn responded with a trusting gaze.
In that instant, it felt as if the world paused, their bond a perfect gesture of kindness and connection.
As I framed this shot, I thought of how we often project human emotions onto animals.
We see love, care, and tenderness because those are the values we hold dear.
But to these deer, this act wasn’t sentimental. It was survival—a necessary exchange of comfort and protection.
Still, their moment reminded me of something profound. In their simple gestures, there’s a beauty that transcends survival. Perhaps it’s a call to us—to practice random acts of kindness, to see the beauty,
and to embrace the world around us with the same grace these creatures show each other.
Nara’s deer teach us many lessons, but above all, they remind us that harmony isn’t just about coexistence.
It’s about understanding, about finding beauty in the ordinary, and about offering kindness even when it’s not expected.
- photography -
© Claudia Tilelli
The mirror
I share the beauty of the human imagination, connecting hearts and minds across the boundaries of time and space
- digital art -
© Corina Nani
Cultura libera: diffondere la cultura - Free culture: spread the culture
Info: Italiano/English - Images & Video
- photography -
© Daniela Fiorino
Meeting Again
Sometimes there are places I don’t want to offend
with a quick glance of impatient eyes
in a desperate attempt
to steal its beauty with a camera
I want to sit down
and take my time to become their friend
to hear their wonderful stories
of awe and wonder
that so few listen to
Behind the beauty on the surface
lies the beauty of the soul
waiting for you to feel it
waiting patiently
Beauty of the Earth
Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth
find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts.
There is something infinitely healing in the repeated refrains of nature
- the assurance that dawn comes after night, and spring after winter
(Rachel Carson)
The Sanctuary
Trees are sanctuaries.
Whoever knows how to speak to them,
whoever knows how to listen to them, can learn the truth
(Herman Hesse)
- digital -
© Dawid Tobias Planeta/Mini People
La presenza'a presenza
(ES/SÉ Project)
Music - Video - Info
- music -
© Edmondo Romano/Simona Fasano
Resilience of Nature
Even when confined, nature finds ways to display its power and beauty.
It can represent hope and strength to overcome obstacles
- textile collage -
© Elena Riemschneider
- textile, toothpicks -
© Elisa Angeli - Angeli Moda
- visual art -
© Emerick Rodriguez
Wakes Up
- visual art -
© Fatma Ramadan
Far Far Away
I'll be far far away as a dead rose; far far away as a rainy cloud on a summer day...
The beauty is hidden far far away.
- digital collage -
© Feyza Nur Kuran
Amore di-vino
- illustration -
© Francesca Mariani
Ode al gatto
(Poetry Pablo Neruda)
Il segno tracciato dal ricamo sulla carta di vecchi libri illustrati, disvela immagini appartenenti a una iconografia “altra” affine, ma non aderente alla realtà apparentemente rappresentata.
Ciò che lo sguardo coglie, guidato dal segno, è gioco che induce a riflettere sui confini,
sempre più labili tra natura e artificio, tra realtà e immagine, tra verità e finzione.
Dentro la visione romantica di una natura fitta e intricata, metafora della complessità del mondo in cui viviamo,
il segno ricamato s’impone grazie alla forza di una sapienza antica che invita lo sguardo a concentrarsi sull’uomo,
il suo corpo, i suoi gesti, il suo pensiero.
The sign traced by the embroidery on the paper of old illustrated books reveals images belonging to an “other” iconography similar, but not adhering to the apparently represented reality.
What the gaze captures, guided by the sign, is a game that induces reflection on the increasingly blurred boundaries
between nature and artifice, between reality and image, between truth and fiction.
Within the romantic vision of a dense and intricate nature, a metaphor for the complexity of the world in which we live,
the embroidered sign imposes itself thanks to the strength of an ancient wisdom that invites the gaze to focus on man,
his body, his gestures, his thoughts.
- embroidery on papaer -
© Gianfranco Basso
Quando l'ho catturato era giustamente terrorizzato, lottava offrendomi uno o due tentacoli, sperando fossi una murena (amico mio, io e i miei consimili siamo assai peggio di qualsiasi murena). Col pensiero gli dicevo "tranquillo, non voglio farti male ma solo spostarti da qui, ci passa troppa gente", che pensiero stupido.. Si è calmato, allora ho mollato la presa. Si è spostato dietro il mio braccio e mi guardava. Istintivamente sapeva che il pericolo viene dai miei occhi, e se ne teneva distante, ma non riusciva a non guardare. Poi ha aderito totalmente alla mia pelle, leggerissimo, senza presa, ma ben ancorato con le ventose centrali. I tentacoli mi toccavano appena ed ho capito che mi stava studiando, cercava di capire. La sua colorazione, inizialmente bianca di terrore, poi rossa di lotta adesso era moderatamente mimetica, tranquilla. Solo i due tentacoli frontali, più scuri, fiammeggiavano di coraggio e di curiosità. Il patagio tra i tentacoli si era allargato ad avvolgermi. Cosa voleva prendere da me? Un pensiero mi ha attraversato la mente, come se non fosse mio, come se venisse da fuori entrato dalla mia pelle. Il calore! Gli piaceva? Gli interessava? Lo voleva "capire"? Senza mai smetterla di guardarmi negli occhi, mi percepiva con tutto il suo corpo. Sentivo che comunicavamo ma senza parole, senza mente. Una sensazione devastante, per me, letteralmente insopportabile. Una forma di vita, di intelligenza, sicuramente non inferiore alla mia, anzi sicuramente superiore alla mia e a quella di moltissimi dei miei conspecifici, mi voleva conoscere. Non per mangiarmi, non per cacciarmi dal suo territorio (o qualcun'altra umana stronzata) ma per conoscermi, per sapere di me. Un essere affamato di sensazioni che gli lampeggiano sulla cute, pure, mai filtrate, un esploratore. L'ho indotto ad andare via, chi si avvicina agli umani muore e muore male. E' diventato rosso cupo, il colore della fuga, e si è diretto verso uno spacco invincibile tra le rocce. Dove volevo io. Un attimo prima di tuffarsi nel buio si è fermato, è diventato di mille colori, poi è sparito. Cosa mi hai detto, cosa hai provato?? Sono tornato a terra diverso, per sempre. Queste parole gliele devo. Magari qualcuno, leggendo questa poca cosa, inizia a voler capire.
When I caught him he was rightly terrified, he fought offering me one or two tentacles, hoping I was a moray eel (my friend, me and my fellow moray eels are much worse than any moray eel). In my mind I told him "calm down, I don't want to hurt you but just move you away from here, too many people pass by", what a stupid thought.. He calmed down, then I let go. He moved behind my arm and looked at me. Instinctively he knew that the danger came from my eyes, and he kept away from them, but he couldn't help but look. Then he adhered completely to my skin, very light, without a grip, but well anchored with the central suckers. The tentacles barely touched me and I understood that he was studying me, trying to understand. His coloration, initially white of terror, then red of struggle, was now moderately mimetic, calm. Only the two front tentacles, darker, blazed with courage and curiosity. The patagium between the tentacles had widened to envelop me. What did he want to take from me? A thought crossed my mind, as if it wasn't mine, as if it came from outside, entered through my skin. The heat! Did he like it? Was he interested? Did he want to "understand" it? Without ever stopping looking me in the eyes, he felt me with his whole body. I felt that we were communicating but without words, without a mind. A devastating sensation, for me, literally unbearable. A form of life, of intelligence, certainly not inferior to mine, indeed certainly superior to mine and that of many of my conspecifics, wanted to know me. Not to eat me, not to chase me from his territory (or some other human bullshit) but to know me, to know about me. A being hungry for sensations that flash on his skin, pure, never filtered, an explorer. I persuaded him to go away, whoever gets close to humans dies and dies badly. He turned dark red, the color of escape, and headed towards an invincible crack in the rocks. Where I wanted. A moment before diving into the darkness he stopped, he became a thousand colors, then he disappeared. What did you say to me, what did you feel?? I returned to earth different, forever. I owe him these words. Maybe someone, reading this little thing, will start to want to understand.
© Giorgio Paesani
La Combattente (The Fighter)
Tu as un visage de pierre sculptée (You have a face of carved stone)
Music - Video - Info
- vocals, charcoal, sanguine, colored pencils, paper -
© Giulia Lippolis
Guerrilla Gardening: Il giardinaggio d’assalto
Info: Italiano/English - Images & Video
- sculpture -
© Hamid Froughy Rad
Tree frog
Radiate your colours. It's your destiny
- mixed natural media -
© Hannah Bullen-Ryner
Alpine squill (Scilla bifolia) in the evening.
For me they are the heralds of spring
Little Family
(Hepatica nobilis)
Wild growing Liverleaves
Fairytale Shrooms
- photography -
© Henrik Spranz
Nature & Vita
La bellezza è nella natura e nella vita
- photography -
© Hugo Pontes
Il Filo Dell'Alleanza - Table of Alliance
Info: Italiano/English - Images & Video
- visual art -
© Ildiko Nova
A look inside my inner self to reflect a sense of doubt
- CGD -
© Iosif Mihailo
Con questo dipinto ho iniziato una nuova ricerca;
dopo gli animali fantastici mi voglio dedicare a un bestiario più realista
un modo per celebrare la bellezza del mondo.
Ho scelto uno stile che riecheggia quello (vagamente) "seicentesco" delle decorazioni;
acrilico e tempera, acquerello per oro e argento; su tagliere di legno.
With this painting I started a new research;
after the fantastic animals I want to dedicate myself to a more realistic bestiary,
a way to celebrate the beauty of the world.
I chose a style that echoes the (vaguely) "seventeenth-century" one of the decorations;
acrylic and tempera, watercolor for gold and silver; on a wooden cutting board.
- painting -
© Jacopo Fo
12to23 Episode 1
Music - Video - Info
- music -
© Jason Carter
Sunflower Mural
- Hutchinson Kansas, public art project -
© Jennifer Weigel
Without beauty, our lives would be miserable
- collage -
© Jiri Subrt
(Czech Republic)
The Beleaguered Soul
A Very Still Life
- photography -
© Jj D'Onofrio
Another's Sorrow
Music - Video - Info
- music, photography -
© Johan Troch
Panel 9
Turning a scrap of wood that was destined to be discarded or burned into a challenging,
unique and exciting object of art is the language of my work.
Wood offers an infinite array of grains, shapes, colors and textures that can be beautiful in their own right,
providing boundless possibilities to explore and create.
Amidst the chaos and rush of modern culture, nature is full of beauty and mystery,
if only we can find the time, place and method to appreciate what it has to offer.
I would like my work to spark a connection with the natural world in those who view it.
- wood collage -
© Josef Twirbutt
Breath of Eternity: The Inner Light of Beauty
Homage to the artistic grandeur of Persian antique drawings, reinterpreted with a contemporary yet timeless approach
- painting -
© Karenina Fabrizzi
La Casa dei Pesci - A Home for the Fishes
Info: Italiano/English - Images & Video
La Gentilezza è un' ingrediente dell'amore. Così come la dolcezza, la tenerezza, l'affettuosità...
La Gentilezza procura meraviglia e cura un cuore malato.
Possa, ciascuno di noi, offrire e ricevere Gentilezza e ogni volta dissolvere il dolore e la paura
Kindness is an ingredient of love. Just as sweetness, tenderness, affection...
Kindness brings wonder and heals a sick heart.
May each of us give and receive Kindness and dissolve pain and fear every time.
- mixed media, digital -
© Leona K
Transfixing Beauty
Sharing beauty is at the heart of my painting.
Soft breezes flutter petals in their masses in the steaming summer heat.
To the fleeting glance, these beautiful blooms merge and intertwine as an optical illusion creates
a haze of hues, all faces upturned to the sunshine
- collage, acrylic paint -
© Lynne Forrester
- etching, aquatint, softground-
© Mahboobeh Esfandiary
Music - Info
Years end Farewell
Music - Info
- music, photography -
1 © Marco Lucchi & Todd Barton
2 © Marco Lucchi
- photography
© Marco Mattozzi
The everydayness of things and their transformation, their metamorphoses become the very own artistic theme
A poetry that combines growth and decay determines my painterly and object-like approach.
I develop my delicate images on the back of old carpets TAUSENDBLÜTENTEPPICHE
or in my wallobjects LYRISCHE VERSCHMELZUNG by fusing countless dried petals and colors together.
- collage, mixed technique -
© Margret Schopka
Yellow Cake Collection
- photography -
© Meead Akhi
© Meead Akhi
The end of May
Percy the pigeon makes a visit. He brings news
Betty loses her keys again
- textile, embroidery -
© Michelle Holmes
at "Pinderfields Hospital Coronary - Care Unit"
- illustration - printmaking -
© Mohammad Barrangi
A place for enjoyment
When is a Thug not a Thug
Japanese anemone - garden thugs Japanese anemone: perennials flowers, also called garden thugs
- installation art/found objects -
© Noel Molloy
Colombo Viaggiatore
Con la Testa Sulle Nuvole, Con I Piedi Per Terra
Pantha Rei
These three portraits are portraits of women who accuse a change in their features,
as a consequence of the outside world.
They are portraits that in different ways represent me, my dark areas and my artistic research.
- vector drawing -
© Paola Ghiano
- photography -
© Paolo Bonfini
Patrick Kilonzo Waterman
Info: Italiano/English - Images & Video
Moon Treasure
Attempting to capture the feeling of the full moon glittering on a creek,
deep within a nearby cedar forest
Hour of Convergence
Inspired by coastal explorations during exceptionally low tides.
Starfish gatherings within shallow communal tidal pools give us a few precious hours to observe their secret lives.
Our own world sometimes feels isolating and scary, but starfish are symbolic ambassadors of hope,
regeneration and community
- acrylic and gouache painting on archival pigment print, textile, fiberart -
© Pictures Within
Buongiorno, signora Carmen.
- Buongiorno.-
Cosa fa lì ferma? Sentirà freddo.
- Sto aspettando mio figlio. E' andato a comprare qualcosa un po' di tempo fa, ma sembra che sia in ritardo - ha aggiunto la vecchia, guardando il suo orologio.
Non si preoccupi, sono sicuro che non ci vorrà molto. Vi dispiace se vi faccio compagnia?
- Grazie, non ti preoccupare. Sono sicura che hai cose migliori da fare che far compagnia ad una vecchia come me.
Qualche ragazza fortunata la starà aspettando... -
Non è un disturbo, ve lo assicuro.
Ci sedemmo su questa panca e aspettammo... E Michele, come ogni mattina, sedeva accanto alla sua vecchia madre,
aspettando un figlio che non è mai stato così vicino...
Good morning, Mrs. Carmen.
- Good morning.-
What are you doing standing there? You must be cold.
- I'm waiting for my son. He went to buy something a while ago, but it looks like he's late - added the old woman,
looking at her watch.
Don't worry, I'm sure it won't be long. Do you mind if I keep you company?
- Thanks, don't worry. I'm sure you have better things to do than keep an old lady like me company.
Some lucky girl will be waiting for her... -
It's not a bother, I assure you.
We sat on this bench and waited... And Michele, like every morning, sat next to his old mother,
waiting for a son who has never been so close...
Blooming Stars
Sound of Silence.....tall trees, anthills, rustling leaves...dusk
The Sound of Silence
- drawings -
© Rebanto Goswami
Recycled vinyl handmade jewelry (Beatles)
Handmade jewelry (Magritte)
All eyes on Rafah
Progetto nato dalla voglia di comunicare qualcosa che ho dentro,e di esternarlo nelle strade ,
nei posti dove amo viaggiare,non tra i vicoli di qualche città
New project born from the desire to communicate something that I have inside, and to express it in the streets,
in the places where I love to travel, in the alleys of some city
- handmade jewelry & art,
installation, perforation on aluminum -
© RevoLù Art/Marco Lucino
Music - Video - Info
- music -
© Roberto Cacciapaglia
And the golden butterflies
The Flying Cafe
- mixed media, photography, painting -
© Sambuddha Duttagupta
Il proprietario di questa mucca sentiva i cani abbaiare di notte,
così un giorno ha installato una telecamera e ha scoperto questa incredibile scena.
Il leopardo viene ogni notte a incontrare la mucca, e la mucca gli lecca la testa.
L'uomo ha parlato con il precedente proprietario della mucca e ha scoperto che la madre del leopardo era morta quando l'animale aveva solo 20 giorni, e la mucca lo aveva allattato con il suo latte.
Da allora, il leopardo considera la mucca come sua madre e viene ogni notte a visitarla.
The owner of this cow heard dogs barking at night;
so he put down a camera and discovered this incredible sight.
The leopard comes to greet the cow every night and licks the cow's head.
The man talked to the previous owner of the cow;
He later learned that the leopard's mother had died when he was 20 days old,
and that the cow had fed the leopard with its milk.
Since then, the leopard thinks it's the cow's mother. And every day he comes to see her at night.
(WEB/Juan Ramon Vega)
A Kind of Eden
Made of Rivers
- collage -
© Sarah Jarrett
© Sarah Jarrett
Blues in the Garden
Gladiolus and the Cloud
- painting -
© Scott McIntiree
© Scott McIntiree
A dança (The dance)
- posca and pens on plain paper -
© Serafim Barbosa
Choose for beauty side
Sharing beauty is not just for now. It should also be for the future.
Choose the right one and share beauty in order to see and reach the future...
- collage -
© Sertac Guney
Series "Ocean Lights"
It's gonna be all Light
- light painting photography one single long exposure -
© Sketchlight
The pink ribbon
Classic thème : woman at her toilet,
I can say Toulouse -Lautrec, Degas, inspired me for this work
But colors have their own life , far of classicism
- oil on canvas -
© Sophie Pavot
Curtain Two
Music - Video - Info
- music -
© Sonanaut
Row your boat
These subjects are rooted for the most part in everyday life and the scenes that present themselves to
any observer of life in Bengal. Here they are refreshingly presented renewed to our perception: the
seemingly mundane given a new life in pictorial form. In my painting this is not a case of the of-cited
idea of “making the familiar strange and the strange familiar”, but rather the opening of our eyes to the
remarkable qualities and beauty of the “ordinary”, if we can but see it. This is perhaps one of the major
roles of art, and if so then I have tried to do something of a quiet coup, combining an apparent simplicity
of style with an acute insight into the true nature of things.
The old ‘Bengal School” may now have faded into art history, although the contemporary politics of art
should not blind us to its significance the technical accomplishments of its major practitioners, and the
sheer beauty of many of its products. Each of us has our own aesthetic, but these paintings spokes to
me in a profound way through their modest subject matter, their clarity and directness. Water-colour
painting has been somewhat eclipsed in recent art developments, in which everything from video and
digital art, through installation to conceptual art has come to dominate what is widely seen as
contemporary art. My work does not take us backwards to a now outmoded medium, but, on the
contrary, shows its vitality, its creative possibilities and its ability to touch deep levels of the psyche.
- watercolor, paper -
© Subhendu Sarkar
Kite flying
We seek the journey and we need to look for the color and the joy
We seek the journey and we need to look beyond and to the light
- mail art -
© Susan Ferris
Mystic Image Transfer III
Water is an elementary part of our lives.
In my photography "Mystic Image Transfer" on the subject of water,
I show a poetic correspondence between water and color. Water, the source of life, flows
- it cannot be grasped. Intuitions, feelings, innocence, childlike trust are associated with water - the flow of life.
- photography -
© Susanne Schumacher
Liefde is in de lucht
- Collage -
© The Wasted Angel
Guardians of the Rainbow
...and they take care of our colors ..
- Digital 3D -
© Tina Bey
L'Angoletto di Pampuelo
(photo © Katya Sanna)
- iniziativa attiva, libera e solidale volta ad un impegno collettivo
active, free and supportive initiative aimed at a collective commitment -
© Un Pensiero PER
Vision of beauty
I think of camellia's beauty and the refinement of them It's important to share the beauty in a world made of cruelty
- digital -
© Veronique Avril
"Ikebana" means "living flowers" in Japanese;
beyond sharing the beauty of the portrait, I am interested in accentuating the quality of the flowers,
not as pure ornamentation, but to direct the gaze towards what remains alive.
- collage A3 size
© Viviana Andrada
Vox Piscis
We are the result of 14 billion years of cosmic evolution. We are a thermodynamic miracle.
We are the waking universe looking back at itself.
When the universe conspires for billions of years to make our existence a possibility against inconceivable odds,
and the sheer unlikelihood of our existence makes every waking moment a miracle,
we've been given people to love and things to hope for and the ability to cultivate beauty and meaning
- Sound art / Music Composition -
© Zazie Productions
Sometimes a flower is enough to light up the world
Kind act
Stage movement can be a kind act
- digital art -
© Zorica Obradović